Collection: Coloured Beauty
Oubél celebrates skin colour diversity. Black and ethnic skin are radiant in nature, and diverse in tones. Our tones range from very light to very dark with a variety of undertones. This means that people with black skin have a unique set of skin concerns and requirements. Though people of colour have natural protection from ultraviolet (UV) radiation due to increased amounts of melanin (the pigment that gives skin its color), the cells that make melanin pigment tend to be more reactive to inflammation and injury. As a result, pigmentation is a common issue for us.
Then there is the hair, which ranges from low to high porosity (level 1 to level 4 hair types). How well your hair is able to absorb and hold moisture speaks to its porosity. The cuticle (flexible outer hair layer) which determines how oil and water pass in and out of your hair affects porosity. For many of us, porosity is genetic, but for some it is affected by external factors, like chemical processing and heat treatments to name a few.
OuBél Beauty endeavors to create porosity focused hair products to keep your hair moisturized, supple, strong and shiny and skincare products that can help keep black and ethnic skin radiant and healthy. Remember, every shade is beautiful - You Look Beautiful!